2004 ETK (Electronic Parts
The ETK consists of 2 CDs and will only work
from the hard disc, so you will need administrative rights on the computer.
See the Applicability Sheet to see if your vehicle
is covered, but to give you a general idea see the pictures below.
Newer BMW
Older BMW
Newer Motorbikes
Older Motorbikes
Only the buttons with black writing on the right will be
exploded diagrams show you, in a clear manner, what parts you want. Selecting the part on the graphic
will expand the pat numbers to select from.
You can also zoom in on a part.
A 2004 price guide is also supplied.

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the cars from the recent BMW range that
are covered

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the cars from the older BMW range that
are covered

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the data available for BMW Mini

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the bikes from the recent BMW range
that are covered

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the bikes from the older BMW range that
are covered

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing an exploded graphic

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the expanded text after the number in
the graphic has been clicked

Screen shot from 2004 ETK
Showing the graphic zoom function